Help support us.
Willows in the Wind is a volunteer organization and we are 100% funded by individual donations. We rely on your support. Please help us continue our work!
Ways to Donate to Willows:
You can make a direct donation through our Paypal form below.
You can send your donation to our mailing address:
Willows in the Wind, Inc.
P.O. Box 1591
San Bruno, CA 94066
501(c)3 Non-Profit
Tax ID #16-1763857
*Your donation is tax deductible.
3. You can donate through your employer if they are recognized through the corporate employer-matching philanthropic site Benevity, as well as Network for Good, both listed under “Willows in the Wind.”
Other ways to support Willows...
When you shop on Amazonsmile.com, you can select our organization and Willows will receive a small percentage of the purchase price, which is no additional cost to you. Click here.
Your donations support our work in the following ways:
Free monthly Parent Support Groups
A grant program for families needing extra support
A sliding-scale Parent Coaching Program
Consulting with new parents to assess their needs in finding the right treatment approach
Conducting events that support parents on the road to healing their families
Updating and maintaining our website
Supporting overhead costs such as insurance, accounting and operating costs associated with running Willows.