Join us for a Q & A on November 29
You're Invited...
Three Parenting Traps to Avoid & How To Work Around Them
November 29th, 4-5:30pm
Parent coaches and co-owners of Solutions Parenting Support, Hilary Moses and Jen Murphy, will be joining us to talk about common parenting pitfalls and offer practical suggestions for avoiding them. If you have a teen or young adult you are parenting, whether they have been to out-of-home treatment or not, this session will provide tips for charting your course toward calmer waters. Parents will have plenty of time to pose questions and get on-the-spot coaching and support. Jen and Hilary will be drawing from their new book H.O.M.E.: Strategies for making home a SUCCESS during and after treatment. The book is full of parenting tips and reflective questions to get parents thinking. We hope you can join us!